IT Consulting Services & AMS Retail Management

Retail Management

Retail Management is the process which helps the customers to procure the desired merchandise form the retail stores for their personal use. It includes all the steps required to bring the customers into the store and fulfill their buying needs. Retail management saves time and ensures the customers easily locate their desired merchandise and return home satisfied.

Profile #1
Client wants to have single ERP system implementation which is having capability to manage the one source of truth on the products and merchandise items for the location which can be tracked and changed based on revision to different stake holders of the organization. Fusion Custom pages for notification with approval buttons and Plan details page

Oracle Fusion Cloud PDH system was implemented in cloud to hold the items of the retail outlets and change management on approval process. The cloud application was configured to hold all the items and different stake holders were involved to manage the Items.

The migration of data was also achieved by the Out of the box import utility and system was implemented in quick span of time